Taking the Worldview Test, my data is completely anonymous. See our
Data Policy. This means that I cannot be personally identified. I know that participating is completely voluntary. I am aware that at any time I may decide not to participate. If I have questions about the Worldview Test or the research study my data may be used in, I can contact
Answering the questions of the Worldview Test may take about 10 to 15 minutes. The benefits of answering the questions include that I become more aware of my basic values and beliefs, and learn about my worldview. I know that when I receive my Test result, I may encounter an interpretation of my data that I don’t agree with. Though there are no known risks of participating in this Test, this may be inconvenient to me.
I also know that researchers may see my (anonymous) data and use it for the research purpose of furthering the understanding of worldviews. I give permission to use my (anonymous) data for that. I myself have the right to
explore the anonymous results data and see the way in which my data is stored.