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to take the Worldview Test

Explore worldviews

Learn about the major worldviews in society today. Explore our database with test results from 70.486 people from 209 countries.

Start a Group Test

Explore your group's worldviews!
school Based on academic research
visibility_off Data are anonymous
favorite Use with any group (minimum 10 people)
groups For education & training, events & meetings, analysis & research
mode_comment Make subgroups with maximum (or minimum) variety of perspectives
find_in_page Use research tools to conduct your own studies
biotech Facilitate deep learning journeys
fingerprint Use for organization analysis and change

What we do

Our mission is to support people to engage deeply with their worldviews – empowering them to expand mindsets, collaborate constructively, and initiate creative change in a world in crisis.
We do this through developing learning journeys that invite people to explore "the big questions"; exchange with those who think differently; and consider their views in a larger context of planetary crisis and opportunity.
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